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A prospective mother who is considering taking the Breathe It Down HypnoBirthing virtual class while she is outside clutching her stomach and breathing
  • Does HypoBirthing really work? What does the evidence say?
    HypnoBirthing is backed by a body of scientific research. Here are some of the results: ​ For 3,000 women across 9 studies, HypnoBirthing techniques lowered the use of pain medication in laboring. In 2015, results from a clinical trial involving 680 women found that those who self-hypnotized during labor felt less afraid and anxious during labor than they’d expected to. In 2011, the HypnoBirthing Institute reported that HypnoBirthing mothers were less likely to have C-sections, episiotomies (surgical cuts to enlarge the opening of the vagina), or continuous fetal monitoring during labor compared to a National U.S. Survey of Childbirth Experiences. In 2015, a team of British scientists published the findings of their study on 348 HypnoBirthing births. They found that an overwhelming amount of women reported their self-hypnosis training to be beneficial during labor and birth.
  • When should I sign up for the HypnoBirthing course?
    We recommend learning Hypnobirthing techniques when mothers are 20 weeks to 35 weeks pregnant. If you are nearing your birthing time, reach out to me and we will make it work.
  • How long is the course?
    HypnoBirthing is taught over a 5 week period, once per week for 2.5 hours.
  • How much does the course cost?
    The cost of the course is $400 for group classes and $550 for private classes.
  • Should my partner attend classes?
    HypnoBirthing is designed to be a partner-based course! While it is ideal for partners to attend all HypnoBirthing classes, we understand that life happens and everyone has unique circumstances to work around. Reach out to me with any questions or concerns, or consider private one-on-one sessions.
  • What does it mean to be hypnotized? Will I spill any secrets or loose control?
    Nope! You will use self-hypnosis to take yourself into a deep state of focus. The "hypno" in HypnoBirthing simply refers to entering an attention-focused state that can allow for a stronger response to suggestions. The goal is to relax the mind and body for birth and release the sensation of pain.
  • I'm planning on having an epidural. Should I still take the course?
    Yes! In fact, many women who sign up have epidurals while still having a HypnoBirth! I actually believe that utilizing HypnoBirthing techniques are even more important when considering epidurals, inductions, c-sections, etc. for your birth. The program offers significant benefits for building your confidence and remaining calm for any/all situation that may arise.
  • Where are classes located?
    Remote classes will be located on Zoom. In person classes are located in Atlanta, Georgia, and the exact address will be given upon signing up.
  • What do I get from attending HypnoBirthing classes?
    When you attend a HypnoBirthing class, you will receive: Positive, quality prenatal education trusted for over 30 years The Book: HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method The Rainbow Relaxation recording Additional Relaxation recordings Parent workbook/handouts Support and understanding as you bond with your birth companion and baby Trust and guidance from your HypnoBirthing educator
  • Silly question, but how do I pronounce your name?
    Not silly at all! Chana is of Hebrew origin, and so it can be hard to pronounce.
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